Artikel Bahasa Inggris
Active & Passive Participle
Active Participle adalah bentuk Verb-ing yang memiliki fungsi sebagai berikut:
- Adjective (Menerangkan kata benda):
- I saw the boat sinking . (I saw the boat which was sinking.)
- I heard the girl singing . (I heard the girl who was singing)
- Menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi pada titik waktu yang sama.
- Readi ng a magazine, I drink a cup of milk.
- Playing a piano, my sister sings song.
- Menyatakan peristiwa yang terjadi berturut-turut:
- Having had breakfast, he went out.
- Having finished operating the computer, I Switched off it.
- Ada beberapa kata kerja yang diikuti oleh Active Participle:
Catch, feel, hear, keep, leave, look at, notice, observe, see, smel, watch.- I feel something touching my ear.
- I keep the baby sleeping.
- I noticed them coming on time.
- I smell something burning.
- I saw the boys fighting.
Passive Participles adalah bentuk kata kerja ketiga yang memiliki fungsi untuk menyatakan sebab akibat :
- She enters. She is accompanied by her mother.
She enters accompanied by her mother. - He was aroused by the crash and leapt to his feet. Aroused by the crash, he leapt to his feet.
- Because/As/Since the city is surrounded by the mountain, the city has a cool climate.
Surrounded by mountain the city has a cool climate.
Setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris yang mengandung unsur be (am, is, are, was, were, to be, being, been) dan Verb
Past Participle (VIII) adalah kalimat pasif (Passive Voice). Diterjemahkan menjadi di atau ter ???.